The vision for the Georgia Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union is “Because we believe God is Who He says He is and can do what He says He will do, we are empowered to engage a lost world through ministry and witness that will be modeled, taught, and nurtured among future generations.”

At Oak Grove Baptist Church, our WMU was established to assist with local, state, and foreign missions. The ladies held their first meeting on Monday, September 13, 1982. The first meeting found them pledging to support the Annie Armstrong Home Missions at Easter and the Lottie Moon Foreign Missions at Christmas.

Throughout the years assistance has been given to the needy, the hungry, the sick, the discouraged, and families facing the loss of loved ones. Money and supplies have been collected to help missionaries, hurricane victims, backyard Bible schools, nursing home residents, and associational meetings.

Children have been helped through the Save-A-Youth Program, Camp Sunshine, Eagle Ranch, Camp Pinnacle, Challenged Child, the Kids-in-Need Program at North Forsyth Middle School, the Samaritan’s Purse Program sponsored by Franklin Graham, and the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home.

Within our own church, we help provide meals during the loss of family members, send financial assistance to help meet needs in the community, sponsor prayer breakfasts for both spring revival and summer revival, promote the annual Thanksgiving luncheon, prepare gift baskets and Christmas trees for our shut-ins, and organize associational meals when called upon by the Hightower Baptist Association leaders. These activities are funded through our annual cake walk we host in late winter (February or March), smaller fundraisers, and donations collected from our WMU members.

The Oak Grove WMU meets on the first Monday night of each month at 7:00 PM in the church fellowship hall. We invite all ladies in the church – age 35 and over – to join us. We have a business meeting, discuss prayer needs, have a special devotional, and end with refreshments and fellowship. We have monthly prayer partners as well as secret prayer partners that are revealed in June and December.

Although we remain busy all year round, our focus is on being yoked together and serving the Lord by serving others. The first scripture ever read at our WMU meeting was from Matthew 11:29-30.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Christ set the example to serve with meekness and humility. May we always strive to be His hands and feet in a world that needs Jesus.